Department Seminars 2015-2016
Every Friday during the academic year, the department organizes a Friday seminar, for which it typically brings in outside speakers. All seminars are open to anyone who wants to attend, and is followed by a social hour with drinks and snacks. The seminars are an excellent opportunity to be inspired by what others are doing, learn about the state of the art and interact with influential researchers from across the world.
If you missed a talk, or simply want to browse the kinds of topics that Informatics concerns itself with, videos of past talks are available below.
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June 3, 2016
Assessing software quality from first principles
Reid Holmes
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia -
May 13, 2016
Online Case Resolution Systems: Enhancing Access, Fairness, Accuracy, and Efficiency
J.J. Prescott
Professor of Law, Professor of Economics (courtesy), Co-director, Empirical Legal Studies Center, Co-director, Program in Law and Economics
University of Michigan -
Visualizing a World in Motion: Designing for Real-Time Data
Fernanda Viégas
Computational Designer, Google
Martin Wattenberg
Computer Scientist, Artist, GoogleTrends in Society and Information Technology Speaker Series
April 11, 2016
Social Media and Political Brand Building: The Case of Narendra Modi
Joyojeet Pal
Assistant Professor, School of Information, University of Michigan -
April 8, 2016
Lies, Damned Lies and Software Analytics: Why Big Data Needs Thick Data
Margaret-Anne Storey
Professor of Computer Science, University of VictoriaISR Distinguished Speaker Series
April 1, 2016
The New ABCs of Research: Achieving Breakthrough Collaborations
Ben Shneiderman
Distinguished University Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of MarylandTrends in Society and Information Technology Speaker Series
March 4, 2016
Enlightened Interaction
Brenda Laurel
Professor & Chair, California College of the ArtsTrends in Society and Information Technology Speaker Series
February 19, 2016
Advancing Collective Innovation
Steven P. Dow
Assistant Professor, Cognitive Science, UC San Diego -
February 19, 2016
Unlocking Data, Unlocking Interaction
James Fogarty
Computer Science & Engineering, DUB Group, University of Washington -
February 13, 2016
Socio-Technical Coordination: How Millions of People use Transparency to Collaborate on Millions of Interdependent Projects on GitHub
James Herbsleb
Professor in the Institute for Software Research, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University -
January 29, 2016
Promoting Online Safety for Adolescents
Mary Beth Rosson
Professor and Associate Dean of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies, College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST), The Pennsylvania State UniversityTrends in Society and Information Technology Speaker Series
January 28, 2016
Pushing Communities: From Community Network to Innovation Infrastructure
John Carroll
Distinguished professor, Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State UniversityTrends in Society and Information Technology Speaker Series
January 26, 2016
Computer Synthesis of Musical Creativity
David Cope
Professor Emeritus of Music, UC Santa Cruz -
January 22, 2016
Millions and Billions of SLOC
Premkumar Devanbu
Professor of Computer Science, UC DavisISR Distinguished Speaker Series
January 15, 2016
The Wikipedia Language Gap: Understanding and Designing for Global Communities
Darren Gergle
Professor, Communication Studies, Northwestern University -
December 7, 2015
TRANSFORM: Beyond Tangible Bits, Towards Radical Atoms
Hiroshi Ishii
Jerome B. Wiesner Professor, Media Arts and Sciences Department, MITTrends in Society and Information Technology Speaker Series
November 20, 2015
Opening the black box: Using realist evaluation to understand the implementation and use of technology
Rebecca Randell
School of Healthcare, University of Leeds -
October 23, 2015
Towards Personalized Privacy Assistants, or How to Scale “Notice and Choice” for the Internet of Things
Norman Sadeh
Professor, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University -
November 6, 2015
Equity by Design: Design Principles for Building Citywide Learning Ecosystems to Expand Youth Access to Connected Learning Opportunities
Nichole Pinkard
Professor, Computer Science and Digital Media, DePaul University -
October 30, 2015
Accelerating Design Theory with Large-Online Experiments: Towards an Interaction Design Science
Derek Lomas
Design Fellow, UC San Diego -
October 23, 2015
Games, Learning & Society: The Intellectual Life of Digital Play
Constance Steinkuehler
Associate Professor in Digital Media, University of Wisconsin Madison -
October 23, 2015
Transforming Public Participation in Science with Digital Games
Kurt Squire
Digital Media in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, and Co-Director of the Games+Learning+Society Center, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery -
October 16, 2015
Frontiers in Crisis Informatics
Leysia Palen
Professor of Computer Science, & Department of Information Science, University of Colorado Boulder -
October 9, 2015
The Politics of Interactivity in Cold War America
Fred Turner
Professor, Department of Communication, Stanford University -
October 2, 2015
Postcolonial Technologies, Developmental Leapfrogging, Jugaad Economics
Kavita Philip
Associate Professor, Department of History, UC Irvine -
September 25, 2015
State of the Department
André van der Hoek
Professor & Chair, Department of Informatics
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, UC Irvine