Department Seminars 2014-2015
Every Friday during the academic year, the department organizes a Friday seminar, for which it typically brings in outside speakers. All seminars are open to anyone who wants to attend, and is followed by a social hour with drinks and snacks. The seminars are an excellent opportunity to be inspired by what others are doing, learn about the state of the art and interact with influential researchers from across the world.
If you missed a talk, or simply want to browse the kinds of topics that Informatics concerns itself with, videos of past talks are available below.
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AsterixDB: A Scalable, Open Source BDMS and Its Collaborative Research Opportunities
Michael Carey
Bren Professor of Information and Computer Sciences
University of California, Irvine -
Anonymity, Identity and Location In Online Social Environments
Veronica Zammitto
Lead Games User Researcher
Electronic Arts -
Anonymity, Identity and Location In Online Social Environments
Jeremy Birnholtz
Associate Professor
Northwestern University -
Disaster Robotics: Capturing Diverse Human-Robot Interaction
Robin Murphy
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Texas A&M UniversityISR Distinguished Speaker
Going Beyond Code Search
Steven Reiss
Professor of Computer Science
Brown University -
Programs, Test Data, and oracles: Revisiting the Foundations of Software Testing
Mats Heimdahl
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of MinnesotaISR Distinguished Speaker
Beyond the Individual Privacy Paradigm: Towards a Theoretical Understanding of Interpersonal and Collective Privacy in Social Media
Heng Xu
Program Director
Division of Social and Economic Sciences (SBE/SES) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) -
A Comprehensive Framework for the Development of Complex Smart Spaces
Luciano Baresi
Associate Professor, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Politecnico di Milano -
The Hearts and Minds of Data Science
Cecilia Aragon
Associate Professor, Department of Human Centered Design and Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle -
The Case for the Three R’s of Systems Research: Repeatability, Reproducibility and Rigor
Jan Vitek
Professor, College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern UniversityISR Distinguished Speaker
Weaving Worlds: Exploring the Intersection between Research and Design
Asta Roseway
Principal Research Designer
Microsoft Research -
Positive Computing: Technologies for psychological wellbeing and human potential
Rafael Calvo
Associate Professor, School of Electrical & Information Engineering
The University of Sydney -
Crowdsourcing a Meeting of Minds
Michael Bernstein
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Stanford University -
The Transformative Play Lab at UCI Informatics
Joshua Tanenbaum
Assistant Professor, Department of Informatics
University of California, Irvine -
Utopian by Design: On the Mythologies of Technosocial Practice
Morgan Ames
PostDoctoral Researcher, ISTC
University of California, Irvine -
Designing for Collaborative Reflection
Gabriela Marcu
Assistant Professor, The College of Computing and Informatics
Drexel University -
The MOOC Moment
Elizabeth Losh
University of California, San Diego -
Designing Tailored Motivators
Gary Hsieh
Assistant Professor of Human Centered Design & Engineering
University of Washington -
Public Health, Personal Data
Kevin Patrick
MD, MS, Professor Family and Preventive Medicine
UC San Diego
Matthew Bietz
PhD Assistant Project Scientist
Informatics Department, UC Irvine -
Prototyping Potential Futures: Researching Virtual Possessions through Design
William Odom
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Simon Fraser University -
Augmenting Communication for Non-Speaking Youth with New Media and Popular Culture
Meryl Alper
Ph.D. Candidate
University of Southern California -
Zero-Fidelity Simulation to Improve Team Coordination Learning
Zachary O. Dugas Toups
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
New Mexico State University -
State of the Department
André van der Hoek
Chair, Department of Informatics
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, UC Irvine